Age of Ambition

Age of Ambition Fantasy Roleplaying in Changing Times

Welcome to a brave new age of promise or peril...

Age of Ambition is a fantasy roleplaying game set in a world rapidly leaving the traditional fantasy milieu behind, where magical and technological advancements are challenging the long-standing social order, and where the heroes help guide the world into a brave new era of promise or peril.

So strap on your breastplate and pick up your pistol. There are discoveries to make, wrongs to right, tyrants to overthrow and new social orders to trial.

About the Game

Age of Ambition is a complete fantasy roleplaying game using the Saga Machine system. Its features include:

  • A lifepath character creation system, including birth omens, life events and careers that connect each character to the world at large.
  • A fully-realized fantasy setting, including social dynamics, history, magic, politics and plot hooks galore!
  • Support for a wide spectrum of power and influence, from peasant revolutionaries to the leaders of nations.
  • Systems for personal ambitions, influence, social change, bonds, magic, invention, combat, social status and more!

The World

Age of Ambition is inspired by a variety of fantasy fiction, including: Joe Abercrombie's First Law series, Terry Pratchett's Discworld, Scott Lynch's Gentleman Bastard series and Brian McClellan's Powder Mage trilogies.

It takes place in the fantasy world of Trystell, home to a number of different peoples—from humans and minotaurs, to ogres and gnomes. It is also the moon of a gas giant, with a hostile sister moon that once tried to colonize the world.

Socially and culturally, Trystell is rapidly advancing from its equivalent of Earth’s Middle Ages, into what might be called the Early Modern era. This is giving rise to new ways of thinking, and to advances in both magic and technology.

Most of all, Trystell is a world that’s facing its future. It’s beholden to shades of gray and intrigue. No one knows what this new era will bring, but with it comes great peril and great promise.

Character Sheets

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Get the form-fillable character sheet

Lifepath Sheets

Get the lifepath sheet
Get the form-fillable lifepath sheet

What Lies Beneath

What Lies Beneath is the first major expansion for the Age of Ambition roleplaying game. It follows a band of Legionnaires — elite guards of Melanoc — as they patrol the streets, navigate politics and discover an unknown subterranean civilization. Along the way, they must face off against criminal organizations, explore prophetic dreams, navigate cultural differences and make a name for themselves as the defenders of the city.

Strange Bedfellows

Strange Bedfellows is the second expansion for the Age of Ambition roleplaying game. It follows a group of movers and shakers in the city of Melanoc as they seek to improve the realm, advance their ambitions, navigate politics and face an apocalyptic danger lurking in their midst. Along the way, the party must make unlikely alliances and tough choices and uncover a conspiracy that threatens to stoke the flames of civil unrest.

Musketeer and Skyship
Mage Duel

Age of Ambition

Kalid Hunter

City Streets

Inventor's Workshop

Products for Age of Ambition

Code Product Price Wishlist Purchase
TAB-1301 Age of Ambition: Fantasy Roleplaying in an Age of Promise or Peril $19.99
TAB-1317 Age of Ambition: What Lies Beneath $14.99
TAB-1324 Age of Ambition: Strange Bedfellows $14.99
TAB-1300 Age of Ambition: Quick-Start Free!
TAB-1305 Age of Ambition: Bestiary $4.99
TAB-1306 Age of Ambition: Campaign Options $4.99
TAB-1307 Age of Ambition: Character Options $4.99
TAB-1314 Age of Ambition: Expert Bestiary $4.99
TAB-1320 Age of Ambition: Game Master's Toolkit $4.99
TAB-1321 Age of Ambition: Heights of Power $4.99
TAB-1308 Age of Ambition: Out of Shackles $4.99
TAB-1309 Age of Ambition: Will to Power $4.99
TAB-1310 Age of Ambition: Time Forgot $4.99
TAB-1311 Age of Ambition: A Little Murder $4.99
TAB-1312 Age of Ambition: Escape From Prison Isle $4.99
TAB-1313 Age of Ambition: The Butcher's War $4.99
TAB-1315 Age of Ambition: Tainted Gold $4.99
TAB-1316 Age of Ambition: The Forslin Job $4.99
TAB-1322 Age of Ambition: Melanoc Adventures $4.99
TAB-1323 Age of Ambition: The Black Auction $4.99
TAB-1302 Age of Ambition: Consequence Cards $1.99
TAB-1303 Age of Ambition: GM Screen Inserts $1.99
TAB-1304 Age of Ambition: Trystell Poster Map $1.99
TAB-1300-1 Age of Ambition: Digging Deeper $0.99
TAB-1300-2 Age of Ambition: The Clockwork Plot $0.99