Dark Yogi: Week Seventeen
Posted by
Thorin Tabor
on July 4, 2014, 2:36 p.m.
I had hoped that by the time I posted this the PDF of Against the Dark Yogi would be in the hands of our backers. That's not the case, but we're ever-so-close to that point. You can check out our progress below.
Progress Report
- We've seen the layout for every individual chapter and submitted corrections. We've also seen the first draft of the character sheet (which we preview below). At this point all we're waiting on is a few edits to the character sheet, the table of contents, the index and the linking of cross-references. Once these are complete, we'll be uploading and sending the PDF of the game out to our backers.
- We've received the physical shipments of all the various add-ons and extras from the Kickstarter. Those of you who follow us on the social networks likely have seen a photo of the GM Screen, Consequence Cards and Prana Counters already. There was one mishap where a box went to the billing address rather than the shipping address, but we'll be fixing that error this week.
- We've now received back all of the art for the Campaign Options supplement, as well all of the editing. The suppement is now awaiting layout and proofing.
- One of Tab Creations' big semiannual meetings is happening tomorrow, which should hopefully shed some light on other projects in the works!
Reading this and missed the Kickstarter?
You can still pre-order the Against the Dark Yogi PDF (+ eBook formats)! Just head on over to our Against the Dark Yogi page and follow the PayPal link. As soon as the PDF goes live our pre-order deal expires, so get it now at the lower price point!
Dark Yogi Preview
Instead of showing off a piece of art this week, I wanted to show off the first draft of the character sheet. Remember that this is only a draft, and parts of the sheet are still subject to change. But in the meantime, let us know what you think!

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