This week we've kept ourselves busy, splitting our time between reviewing the Dime Adventures core PDF we released to backers last week and writing Ready-Made Heroes. We've also gotten some great typo reports from backers (thank you!).
The plan is to finalize the review, correct all the found typos and release a corrected version of the PDF this weekend. If we're being honest with ourselves, however, this may slip to Monday or Tuesday. Either way, we'll then send the corrected files to the printer ahead of ordering a printing proof.
At this point Ready-Made Heroes is roughly half written. In the upcoming week we plan to finish the writing on this supplement and move it along to editing.
Finally, this last week we received the proofs of the Poster Map, GM Screen Inserts and Consequence Cards. The first two are good to go and have been queued for release after the corrected core PDF. The Consequence Cards, on the other hand, may require another round of revision. They're perfectly serviceable, but one of the margins is a bit small in a way that's kind of ugly.
Here is a bulleted list of everything we've accomplished in the past week.
This is your last chance to preorder! Just head on over to our Dime Adventures page and follow the PayPal link.
Here is the current status of the various bits and pieces unlocked by the Kickstarter. The statuses here refer to the steps in our our publication process.
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