Freebie Spotlight: Health & Composure Tracking Sheet

Freebie Spotlight: Health & Composure Tracking Sheet

Imagine this: You're playing in an extended Saga Machine campaign, and session after session you're taking damage, healing and taking damage again. This can mean a lot of writing and erasing on the Health and Composure tracks on the character sheet. Well, now you can save your character sheet some wear and tear. We're pleased to announce our newest Freebie Spotlight: the Saga Machine Health and Composure Tracking Sheet!

This simple sheet presents over-sized Health and Composure tracks, just like larger versions of the ones you'd otherwise find on the character sheet. This way you can mark up the tracking sheet in play, and leave the character sheet nice for later.

In other news, work on Shadows Over Sol continues at a respectable pace. Also, some work on the next Trystell: Reborn supplement is getting done. Oh yes, and we are once again sponsoring the Intercon raffle.

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