Introducing the New Website

Introducing the New Website

As of today the new version of the Tab Creations website has gone live. This new version of the website features an improved style, easier management and for the first time ever: an integrated products page! Just look at the link to the right; it's got all Tab Creations' books, as well as a number of nifty branded items.

Meanwhile work on new products goes along nicely. The winter alpha test of Tab-System Neo was a resounding success. Sure there are a few rough edges to work out and some sub-systems still need written up, but the game has come far and I feel confident that I can safely say it is playable. Tab-System Classic is still in layout, but should be done by the end of the month, leaving only a period of play-testing and editing before it is released upon an unsuspecting world. Finally, much work was done for Trystell Reborn over the winter Tab meet-up. Lots remain to do for the Trystell revision, but at this point most of the over-arching world-spanning stuff has been decided upon. Rejoice.

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