Projects Report
Posted by
Thorin Tabor
on Aug. 12, 2013, 9:05 a.m.
This post is really more a quick progress report on the various Tab projects rather than in in-depth musing on game development. So here we go:
- The Ganjifa cards were sent to the printer, the payment made and printing proofs finalized some time ago. The printer expects the printing to be complete sometime next week, and we ought to have the cards in our hands to begin sending out sometime around the end of the month. Additionally, the T-shirts have been ordered and are expected in this week. Card prints are expected to be done this week as well.
- The last of the text for Against the Dark Yogi went to the editor this weekend. We're expecting to launch the Kickstarter sometime around the end of September, and while the full text won't be out of editing by then, we expect to have enough complete to offer well-edited previews to all Kickstarter backers.
- If you're reading this on our website you may notice that it looks a little different. This is because we rolled out a new version of our website to better represent us as a company. Additionally, the new website makes it easier for us to add functionality as we need it. Expect more incremental improvements to it in the future.
- With the writing for Against the Dark Yogi off of my plate I can turn around and finish the last two books being published by the Collective rather than the LLC. I hope to get Nexus Endtime and Blaugh'Ockreleased by the end of the quarter, but we'll see how that ends up in practice. Also, expect the remaining future posts about the Collective books to show up here in the DevBlog rather than the TabBlog, as this is the more informal blog, and they are more informal products.
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