Saga Machine Unified: Summer Playtest Report

Saga Machine Unified: Summer Playtest Report

Today marks the end of the Saga Machine Unified public playtest. Thank you to everyone who participated and who helped shape the future of Saga Machine! Your efforts have been greatly appreciated.

From here, the last of the development goes internal, as we adapt it and prepare the system for its first published release in Shadows Over Sol: Second Edition. It's coming next summer! You can expect to read more about it and about how the Saga Machine Unified rules are being tailored for sci-fi horror in regular blog posts leading up to its release, such as this one here.

As far as the last round of playtesting goes, the feedback was very positive! But as usual, we are going to be making a variety of tweaks based on the feedback. These include:

  • The chase system is going to get another couple rounds of tweaks and internal playtests to account for different variations on chase scenes.
  • The vehicular combat numbers are going to be tweaked to scale better with the size of vehicles. In addition, the vehicular combat system is likely to get a few revisions to bring its play closer to that of the base combat system.
  • Some of the TNs for environmental hazards are likely to be tweaked.
  • The computing system is going to get some options for dealing with differing levels of technology.
  • The experience thresholds for the different Power Levels may be tweaked.

That's all for now. Again, a big thank you to everyone who helped make Saga Machine Unified possible!

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