Today we have released the next supplement in our list for Shadows Over Sol. This would be Shadows Over Sol: Ready-Made Heroes! Here is the blurb:
Want to run a quick scenario, but don't have the time to write and stat out a full team? Are you starting up a new campaign, but your players don't know what they want to play? Here are nine pregenerated characters ready to experience the horrors of the Sol system!
Shadows Over Sol: Ready-Made Heroes is a supplement for Shadows Over Sol. Its features include:
- Nine pregenerated characters ready to run, perfect for a one-shot adventure or full campaign!
- Full-page art, personality, motives and personal history for each character.
- Filled out character sheet for each character, ready to print.
- Fleshed out connections between members of the team, stats for a shared spaceship and plot hooks for each character!
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