Strange Bedfellows Teaser Video!

Strange Bedfellows Teaser Video!

The teaser video for our upcoming Strange Bedfellows campaign is now online and available to view!

>> Click here to watch the video on our YouTube channel!

What is Strange Bedfellows?

Strange Bedfellows is a campaign and sourcebook for the Age of Ambition roleplaying game. It follows a group of movers and shakers in the city of Melanoc as they seek to improve the realm, advance their personal ambitions, navigate politics and face an apocalyptic danger lurking in their midst. 

Along the way, the party must make unlikely alliances and tough choices, uncover a conspiracy that threatens to stoke the flames of civil unrest and thwart a sinister plot hatched by meddling spies. 

It is launching October 1st on BackerKit.

Please visit the link below and then click to follow the campaign. Every follower the campaign has helps boost its visibility.

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