What I'm Working On
Posted by
Thorin Tabor
on May 5, 2007, 1:03 p.m.
Now that I have the new site up and have gotten decision-making for the Trystell revision underway, I figured I'd share with people what I've got queued up to work on for Tab.
- Finish the write-up for Nexus Endtime: This has nothing to do with Trystell, but it is related to Arth and other Tab lines. I have the write-up of it mostly complete. And it tops my list because it's almost done and hopefully will be out by the end of the week both on the nav bar to the left and the Tab Wiki.
- Trystell Short Story: I've barely began this. Mostly because the specifics of it and the tone of it may change some based on some of the thematic decisions being made in the Trystell Revision. But as soon as those decisions are made, I plan to put more effort into getting this short story out. When the RPG book of the Trystell revision comes out as well, I hope to fill it with thematic example fiction snipits, to give people the feel of things and those can be partially cannibalized from this short story and others.
- Tab-System Neo: The old card-based system was nice. But it did have some issues. d20 was nice, but it didn't fit all the idiosyncrasies of Trystell. So I have to come up with a new system--loosely inspired by the old classic system--to handle games and be tailed specifically towards our playing style. I've been working on it and have the core mechanic of the system down, but am still ironing out the details. Once I have the system developed, I plan on writing it into its own setting-neutral book (so it can be used to power our other settings like Arth and the Zeotis). Then, as Trystell is revised, we'll have a polished up Trystell setting book using the system natively. Hypothetically, the other settings we have may get their own booklets using the system (like 32 page booklets detailing what's needed to play the setting withing taking too much work going into extensive background). So the system will have better support. I plan on the system being relatively rules-light and probably will run some beta-test sessions before finalization.
- The Aggression of Licad Completion: After I break back into fiction writing I hope to revise the old The Aggression of Licad story, polishing it up, editing it to comply with the Trystell revision and completing the second part of the story so that it wraps things up and sets the stage for adventuring afterwards in the re-polished setting.
- Curb RPG Book Habit: I have this nasty habit of buying more RPG books and reading them, thus eating into my free time to work on tab. I hope to slow down that habit soon (easier as they're going to stop making Dragonlance supplements again soon). But mostly this decision has been made to spare my wallet.
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