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#1 July 12, 2006 12:15:50

Registered: 2006-01-02
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Dragonlance Movie

Mercury, you jerk. :cry:


#2 July 12, 2006 19:36:20

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Dragonlance Movie

Now, now children. Don't make me go Al Gore on you.

Veritas est


#3 July 12, 2006 20:35:36

From: San Diego, CA
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Dragonlance Movie

Now, now children. Don't make me go Al Gore on you.



#4 July 12, 2006 20:58:48

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Dragonlance Movie

Now, now children. Don't make me go Al Gore on you.
Excuse me? He IP banned her. =_=

So don't make me go off on you.


#5 July 12, 2006 23:07:02

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Dragonlance Movie

Now, now children. Don't make me go Al Gore on you.
Excuse me? He IP banned her. =_=

So don't make me go off on you.


#6 July 13, 2006 14:47:13

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Dragonlance Movie

You tell me. The first thing I know, she's IMing me, asking why she was banned from the site. After clearing the IPs out of the ban list, she was able to get onto it. So, tell me, please. Only, without the “please.”

Oh to hell with it. *bans himself*


#7 July 13, 2006 17:17:11

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Dragonlance Movie

Um, so you are saying this occured recently? As in since the last time the we reset the forums? For your information I have not logged into the adminstration panel, and hence have not banned ANYONE, since being an administrator last summer. The most I've done is when I see a bot post is edit it to say “Ban me” in some form or another so if her computer was infected and a bot used it to access the site and make a post then she needed to fix it but I have not personally banned anyone. Only modified the posts. If its the case of her computer being infected or the like the people who are doing the banning should be looking at the ip and who else has posted from it before they ban the ip. After all, it maybe a user's IP so a clue that something is up with their IP would be well, useful.


#8 July 13, 2006 18:20:11

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Dragonlance Movie

Well, I haven't banned anyone. Yet.

ManBearPig must die!!!

beholdsa, since when do you watch South Park?

Veritas est


#9 July 13, 2006 18:40:55

From: San Diego, CA
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Dragonlance Movie

beholdsa, since when do you watch South Park?

Every once in a blue moon I will be bored here and watch an eopisode or two of television with a couple people I know.


#10 July 13, 2006 19:53:20

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Dragonlance Movie

Well, I haven't banned anyone. Yet.
Well, if you click on her IP it says she's posted from 6 different IPs, so which IP was banned because I doubt all of them. Also, if you look at the post for say, the one at the top of this page, you see one other registered user and one unknown guest have made posts from the same IP.

But seeing as how Brandon has removed my administrator status, oh fucking well.


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