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[RSS Feed]Tornadoes in Lawrence?

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#1 March 12, 2006 06:21:45

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Tornadoes in Lawrence?

Apparently there were a few of ‘em flyin’ around.
Did anyone on campus get a peek at them? All we had were massive winds and the trees in front were snapped in two.
Oh, and the Taco John's sign on 23rd blew down, and the Flowerama is minus a few flamingos.


#2 March 12, 2006 10:43:43

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Tornadoes in Lawrence?

Isn't it a bit early for tornaders?


#3 March 12, 2006 11:40:45

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Tornadoes in Lawrence?

I’ve heard both tornado and microburst today. The damage looks like a badass microburst to me. Here’s my experience:

I woke up at 8o. My window was open and it was rattling like crazy. I decided to close the window, and realized it was really tough. It was really windy outside and the sky had that yellow/greening tint to it which comes with hailstorms and tornadoes. By this time my roommate was also up, and he could tell–by the greenish glow of the room–that there was a big storm. I decided to check the weather online, and right when I began looking up the weather the power went out. I went over to the window and saw a kid trying to walk across the parking lot and get into his car. From my room, on the 7th floor of McCollum dormitory, I can see all of south Iowa street. I was watching the intersection at the corner of 19th and Iowa when I noticed a lot of dust or mist beginning to cover the entire intersection. Moment later I saw huge amounts of debris rip away from the top of the USGS building and fly east onto Iowa street. I also saw the kid in the parking lot haul ass back into the dorm. I told my roommate that there was a tornado and that we needed to leave the room immediately. We went into the hallway and started to wake up out floor mates, and found that several of them were already awake from their windows being busted out from the pressure or debris. We then went downstairs to the basement and waited for about 20 minuets. When we came back up, I called my friend in other dorms to see how they were doing. We also, for the first time, heard the tornado siren. After it had cleared up somewhat me and some others went outside to check out the damage. Walking around McCollum we noticed that a few trees had been thrashed and then tossed several feet (one was about 120 feet away from its stump). On car in the parking lot had lost its entire trunk, most likely due to its spoiler. The spoiler was about 200 feet away hanging in a tree. We then walked to Templin dormitory to check that area out. Templin was hit much worse. A lot of tarpaper and wood had been blown off of the roof and fallen on cars in the parking lot. There were about 3 cars total, and many had windows missing. The air-conditioned unit had been blown off of the roof and had fallen 7 stories into the font lawn of the building.
At about 1o PM my roommate heard a police officer on his megaphone. He was exclaiming that there was a tornado on its way to Lawrence and to seek shelter. We went to the basement again. No tornado. We went outside and watch the storm developing to the south of us.
That was my exciting day. On the bright side they cancelled class for Monday the 13th.


#4 March 12, 2006 12:14:05

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Tornadoes in Lawrence?

I did not realise how much damage there was until we went downtown.
Half of Mass St. was withouth power when we left it about an hour ago.

I heard some kid from Oliver Hall was pushed down by the wind (he was outside) and had to get 6 stiches in his chin.

I am totally stoked about not having to go on campus tomorow.


#5 March 12, 2006 19:05:20

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Tornadoes in Lawrence?

…I am totally stoked about not having to go on campus tomorow.

You guys suck. It's 4.04 AM and i'm still in hale library cause i got to study for tests. You guys always get tornadoes, shit isn't fair.


#6 March 13, 2006 00:28:45

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Tornadoes in Lawrence?

You guys always get tornadoes, shit isn't fair.

I do not think we always get tornadoes. In fact, in the 2.5 years that I have been attending KU I think this is the 2nd time the university has shut down.


#7 March 13, 2006 01:37:13

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Tornadoes in Lawrence?

You guys always get tornadoes, shit isn't fair.

I do not think we always get tornadoes. In fact, in the 2.5 years that I have been attending KU I think this is the 2nd time the university has shut down.

What was the first?


#8 March 13, 2006 01:47:16

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Tornadoes in Lawrence?


#9 March 13, 2006 02:33:31

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Tornadoes in Lawrence?

We had a snow cancellation awhile back. Probably before you came to KU.


#10 March 13, 2006 05:58:26

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Tornadoes in Lawrence?

God damn, that is some destruction. A nice camera that took those photos, though.


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