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The GIT!
So, I've purchased all my Tab Creations game products through DriveThru (the Dime Adventures KS also used DriveThru). My question is whether it might be possible to add DriveThru links to the Library section of our Profiles? It's a minor request but every time I log in I get told I don't have anything in my Library
I can go ahead manually and add everything from the Shadows Over Sol and Dime Adventures Kickstarters to your library.

For future Kickstarters I hope to do that automatically, but unfortunately the past ones weren't set up to associate Kickstarter pledges with Tab Creations website accounts.

EDIT: You should now be able to see the books in your library.
The GIT!
Damn! That's terrific and very much appreciated. I wasn't expecting you to actually upload the books in to the Library; just thought you might post a DriveThru link to your products. Thanks for doing this.
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