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Tom B
Has anyone used Shadows Over Sol on Roll20? How does it work? Is the card deck option usable, or do players just need their own actual decks? Just curious, since this seems to be in my immediate future.
Tom B
Has anyone used Shadows Over Sol on Roll20? How does it work? Is the card deck option usable, or do players just need their own actual decks? Just curious, since this seems to be in my immediate future.

I've ran two games of Shadows Over Sol on Roll20. Both worked well enough.

To handle decks, I usually duplicate the poker deck that Roll20 campaigns come with and assign one copy to each player. Then assign each player full permission over their deck. This allows players to draw their own cards as needed. Then to play them, cards can be dragged from hand onto the table. Just make sure players clean up their own cards (or clean up after each flip) so that you don't have old unwanted cards sitting around.

I think Vonschlicten's run a few SOS games on Roll20 as well, of he wants to chime in.
I have run a SoS game on roll20 myself and used the same method of assigning a poker deck to each player. It works ok but you have to do any math yourself. It would be nice if Roll20 would provide better support for playing with the card mechanic.
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