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What if what we fear is MS Paint?

Hm…i didn't think of that. I guess you would be exempt.

EDIT: And the bigget pussy alive, unfortunately
I can't draw to save my life, even in MS paint. But I will reveal my deepest, darkest fear….

I refuse to go to the bathroom with the shower curtain closed. ops:
I'm actually not even sure why or when it started, it's not something I've ever been able to really nail down why. I think the only other person that knew about it is my wife, and she tends to give me a really hard time about it. >_<
I can't draw to save my life, even in MS paint. But I will reveal my deepest, darkest fear….

I refuse to go to the bathroom with the shower curtain closed. ops:
I'm actually not even sure why or when it started, it's not something I've ever been able to really nail down why. I think the only other person that knew about it is my wife, and she tends to give me a really hard time about it. >_<


It's the other way around– I don't like to use the toilet for fear of might be in the shower waiting for me to drop my pants.
Death would be nothing compared to what my wife would do to me if I took a shower with the curtain open– she gets upset if my feet are still wet when they touch the floor. :roll:
It's the other way around– I don't like to use the toilet for fear of might be in the shower waiting for me to drop my pants.
Death would be nothing compared to what my wife would do to me if I took a shower with the curtain open– she gets upset if my feet are still wet when they touch the floor. :roll:

I know a couple people who always at least have to look behind the shower curtain before they crap, to make sure no one is there.
Some people watch “It” and gain a fear of clowns. Some people watch “Psycho” and gain a fear of shower curtains. Go figure. :roll:
It's the other way around– I don't like to use the toilet for fear of might be in the shower waiting for me to drop my pants.
Death would be nothing compared to what my wife would do to me if I took a shower with the curtain open– she gets upset if my feet are still wet when they touch the floor. :roll:

I know a couple people who always at least have to look behind the shower curtain before they crap, to make sure no one is there.
I check the curtain, but only to see if it's ok for me to shit in the tub.
It's the other way around– I don't like to use the toilet for fear of might be in the shower waiting for me to drop my pants.
Death would be nothing compared to what my wife would do to me if I took a shower with the curtain open– she gets upset if my feet are still wet when they touch the floor. :roll:

I know a couple people who always at least have to look behind the shower curtain before they crap, to make sure no one is there.
I check the curtain, but only to see if it's ok for me to shit in the tub.

If you are willing to shit in a tub, what would make it not okay to shit in a tub?

It is something like that.

I also have this reoccuring dream that strikes fear into me where I am a really shitty ninja, but since I am a ninja enemies keep coming after me, and it sucks. A lot.
Apparently is being retarded with this picture, and I cannot get it a decent size. Sorry.
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