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sup everyone utopia is here to talk awhile yay!!!!!!!!
Long time no see, welcome back.
i was hoping to come back and see DA back up but no
Nope. Maybe someday.

You playing any other Proms in the meantime?
valhall and ZAP
QMT is better, code's much more like the DA code.
yeah i know but some homo took my name “Utopia”
Does the code on any of those not suck*?

*Valhall sucks.
i liked the codes on corwin site but no one came so it was gay and the classic at ZAP is pretty good
Does the code on any of those not suck*?

*Valhall sucks.
The classic code at Zap is probably one of the better codes that I've seen, but hardly anyone plays the game, so it gets boring. This is the age that will see Proms die, I'm afraid. It's too repetitive, and boring for people to continue on, in my opinion. Everyone knows eachother's styles of play, and how to counteract it, or they know how to build to prevent the others from countering them. It has become a game of luck, rather than skill, as it used to be. I haven't really enjoyed playing since …I can't really remember. >_>
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