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You all need to get a Gameboy DS and Animal Crossing: Wild World. Because it's the best. I got it a few days after Christmas and now it's the first thing I do when I go home.
You know, I'd give you my friend code, but then I'd have to try and weed my town.
I haven't booted up AC:WW in about a year…
Any Animal Crossing Wii players lurking about? The more, the merrier.

Bastett and I play over here, and theres another 6 or so players scattered amongst the Perthfurs. Our details:

Town Name Code
Equicat JM 1547-8954-9029
Equicat Bast 4940-9198-8486

Anyone else?
I just have the DS version, sadly.
I had never got before this but now i should try this……!
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