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Been awhile since I checked in. See something about kickstartering a card game on the other page.

So, how's everyone been, and whats happening now?

Lately I've been helping make a flash game with someone that asked, and editting a work in progress for someone else that asked.
Also been playing some minecraft, risk of rain, torchlight 2, borderlands 2, and some cyanide blood bowl.
<—- Notices avatar

Also I've apparently become quite the pokemon fan?
We thought a deer killed you.
So future! Much avatar!
Only deer is the one that led to stag-nation. But here I am, so…. answers to questions above?
We did just successfully kick start a set of cards. We're working on a roleplaying game next.

Personally, I've been playing RPGs and looking at Civ5 again.
Yes, the kickstarter for Ganjifa is thankfully over…
Been playing Skyrim lately. Also replaying Bard's Tale on my phone…
Playing Alpha Centauri and Planescape: Torment. And working a lot.
I've also been sorting through my old archived Tab files as part of a process of backing up all my files in the could so they're not lost if my hard drive crashes.

I've found some pretty ancient things, including the old Trystell Battle program, as well as Zipnocii World Adventurer and the Trystell Dating Sim.
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