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[RSS Feed]Civ 5 civs

Forum Index » Open Forum » Civ 5 civs

#1 February 03, 2014 08:53:31

From: Kansas
Registered: 2013-07-25
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Civ 5 civs

So, I am curious to know what people's favorite Civ 5 civilization is.

My favorite (or at least the one I play the most) is the french. I enjoy the extra culture early game as it can be quite beneficial in getting a good start.

I have also begun playing as the germans quite frequently. I am quite particular to playing them with raging barbarians set in the advanced rules to maximize the ability to convert them.


#2 February 04, 2014 09:36:12

From: San Diego, CA
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Civ 5 civs

I'm a big fan of both Korea and Siam. Poland is pretty cool, too.


#3 February 04, 2014 11:29:22

Registered: 2013-07-25
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Civ 5 civs

Persians. Dat 50% longer golden age. I've seriously had, between wonders and great people, over 100 turns in a row of golden age.

Veritas est


#4 February 06, 2014 01:04:15

Registered: 2013-07-25
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Civ 5 civs

I've only played through once with Japan which was great. In hindsight always leave a samurai somewhere to go setup your boats.


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