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[RSS Feed][TabBlog] Against the Dark Yogi: The Amitra Gemstone is released!

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#1 April 27, 2016 22:18:47

From: San Diego, CA
Registered: 2012-09-26
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[TabBlog] Against the Dark Yogi: The Amitra Gemstone is released!

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Today we are happy to announce the release of Against the Dark Yogi: The Amitra Gemstone! This is the first adventure release for Against the Dark Yogi: Mythic India Roleplaying. It is also the first adventure funded by the Tab Creations Patreon project!

The village of Wershi has long been known for its legendary good luck. Tucked high up in the Fondhya Mountains, the village has resisted both famine and invasion. But now disaster has struck! The village has been poisoned, and it up to the heroes to ferret out the sinister figure who seeks to claim the secret of the village as his own.

Against the Dark Yogi: The Amitra Gemstone is an adventure supplement for Against the Dark Yogi. It features an epic tale that will send the heroes out on a mission of mercy. In the process they will be pitted against a powerful brahmarakshasa and uncover an ancient secret!


Forum Index » Tab Games Forum » [TabBlog] Against the Dark Yogi: The Amitra Gemstone is released!

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