Age of Ambition: Fantasy Roleplaying in an Age of Promise or Peril

Age of Ambition: Fantasy Roleplaying in an Age of Promise or Peril

Age of Ambition is a fantasy roleplaying game set in a world rapidly leaving the traditional fantasy milieu behind, where magical and technological advancements are challenging the long-standing social order, and where the heroes help guide the world into a brave new era of promise or peril.

So strap on your breastplate and pick up your pistol. There are discoveries to make, wrongs to right, tyrants to overthrow and new social orders to trial.

Age of Ambition is a complete fantasy roleplaying game using theĀ Saga Machine system. Its features include:

  • A lifepath character creation system, including birth omens, life events and careers that connect each character to the world at large.
  • A fully-realized fantasy setting, including social dynamics, history, magic, politics and plot hooks galore!
  • Support for a wide spectrum of power and influence, from peasant revolutionaries to the leaders of nations.
  • Systems for personal ambitions, influence, social change, bonds, magic, invention, combat, social status and more!
  • Purchase for $19.99


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 $19.99 (PDF); $39.99 (Print)
Age of Ambition: Fantasy Roleplaying in an Age of Promise or Peril