Official news and updates from Tab Creations LLC.
The first printing proof for Shadows Over Sol arrived the other day. It looks amazing! Unfortunately, there is an issue with the lower margin. This means that we're going to need to correct the issue and then order a second printing proof. It also means that the print version of the core book won't be released until early-to-mid February....
The new year has rolled around again, and welcome 2016! Gone is the year of Back to the Future: Part 2, and here is the year of… when the world will be destroyed according to the face psychic at the beginning of Ghostbusters II....
This is going to be the last of the regular weekly updates on Shadows Over Sol. We're going to largely be on holiday for the next two weeks. Once January rolls around, we will be releasing the corrected Shadows Over Sol core PDF. The various unlocked supplements will be released one at a time every couple weeks after that. Instead of making separate weekly posts, we'll simply provide a stats update in conjunction with the regular release announcements....
We did it! The PDF of the Shadows Over Sol core rulebook has been delivered to Kickstarter backers! Currently we are collecting reports of any typos or other errors that have slipped through our prodyction process. The first week of January we'll update the PDF to correct all of these issues, and then release the game to the general public....
As seems to be the norm so far with this project, the production of Shadows Over Sol continues to go well. We're down to waiting on the final two pieces of art for the core rulebook. I am hopeful that we'll see that art turned in by this time next week. Once we have the final art, the PDF release of the core rulebook won't be far behind....
It's the Thanksgiving holiday here in the US, so I'm going to make this week's update brief. The game is progressing well. We're down to just seven pieces of art that need to come in for the core book to be ready for release. Meanwhile, Ready-Made Heroes has moved from writing to editing and on to layout....
Some of this has already been covered in the monthly Kickstarter update, but the layout of the core Shadows Over Sol book is basically complete, aside from waiting for the last of the art to come in. Right now we’re waiting on the final nine pieces. I like to think of each piece coming in as part of a countdown until the PDF’s release....
Work. Work. Work. We've been busy pushing Shadows Over Sol and all the Kickstarter stretch goal rewards through our production process. This week the first of the books moved officially from art direction and into layout. We saw other progress as well, with Small Mercy moving from writing and into editing....
Work on Shadows Over Sol continues. The focus this last week has been on completing backer characters and art commissions, while at the same time making slow but steady progress on layout. Additionally, we've managed to move Beyond Human from editing and into art direction, and Ready-Made Heroes from outline and into editing....
Things are going well with the production of Shadows Over Sol - almost too well. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and something to go wrong, but so far everything has been progressing on schedule and without any real hiccups....