Viewing posts for the category TabBlog
Even with so many eyes zealously looking over the text, some errors will always slip through the production process. Today we have released an update of the Against the Dark Yogi errata, taking into account feedback from all of our loyal fans who have received the PDF or hardback versions of the game. You can find the errata document here....
This will be our final update related to the Against the Dark Yogi Kickstarter, as at this point we have released all the products promised by the Kickstarter, and all the rewards have been shipped to backers....
Earlier this week we released a new Against the Dark Yogi product, Zone Consequence Cards, in both print and PDF!...
The Against the Dark Yogi download at DriveThruRPG has been updated to include the EPUB and MOBI versions of the game, as well as an updated PDF. All three versions of the game also now include the corrected errata discovered in the last couple weeks. A list of the errata can also be found on our forums....
Our first supplement for Against the Dark Yogi: Mythic India Roleplaying has been released, and is now available on DriveThruRPG! Titled Against the Dark Yogi: Campaign Options, this 64-page PDF supplement provides many new options for an Against the Dark Yogi campaign. Retailing at $4.99, and with a print option in the works, its features include:...
This week the PDF of Against the Dark Yogi: Mythic India Roleplaying was finally released! It was delivered to our Kickstarter backers, and is currently available for sale on DriveThruRPG. The Against the Dark Yogi: Consequence Cards were also released in both PDF and print, and are available there as well....
Wow. Is it time for another quarterly Tab Update again? It is. Here we go!...
I had hoped that by the time I posted this the PDF of Against the Dark Yogi would be in the hands of our backers. That's not the case, but we're ever-so-close to that point. You can check out our progress below....
As promised, here's the biweekly Against the Dark Yogi update. The last couple weeks we've been seeing good progress, but the release of the PDF isn't here quite yet. Check out our progress report below!...