Viewing posts by Thorin Tabor
The world is a strange place right now amid the COVID-19 outbreak, so I'll make this post quick. It's been roughly a month since the Age of Ambition Kickstarter came to a close....
We unofficially let it slip a couple weeks ago, but now we're officially ready to announce the release of the Age of Ambition character sheet and lifepath sheet, in both basic and form-fillable formats!...
Sometime during the first three months every year, we make a post looking back at the previous year and looking forward at the year to come. I try to make this a frank discussion of where our business stands, in the vein of Mongoose Publishing's State of the Mongoose, Steve Jackson Games' Stakeholders Report or Evil Hat's many open reports. It's our attempt to add some transparency to the tabletop gaming industry....
When we publish a new roleplaying game product there is a regular process that we go through to ensure that it meets our quality standards. A few years ago I blogged about this process, but I think an update is long overdue....
We’ve really been blown away by the amount of support that you've shown us. This is one of our most successful Kickstarters ever. You are all awesome! And I know we say this a bunch, but we really couldn’t have done it without your support. Thank you from all of us at Tab Creations!...
We're at the two-thirds point in the Age of Ambition Kickstarter and it's been a wild ride! We've unlocked FIVE stretch goals and we're likely to reach the SIXTH in the next few days. We're also halfway to the Patreon Challenge goal. This is going to be a great game!...
We're at the halfway point of the Age of Ambition Kickstarter and so far we're very happy with how it's been going. We've unlocked five stretch goals and we're halfway to the Patreon Challenge goal. If the campaign keeps up this momentum, we may run out of stretch goals to fund!...
The Age of Ambition Kickstarter launched almost a week ago and it's on fire!...
Today is the day!...
The Age of Ambition Kickstarter launches tomorrow on Tuesday, January 21st, 2020 at 10 am EST. Don't forget to follow the project on Kickstarter or join the Facebook event!...